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Your card’s got the power!

A small donation could have a huge impact on everyone around you, bringing us all closer together and making us stronger as a nation. However insignificant it may seem, a single cent could change so much. It could be worth 1.36 million!

Join Coop Pank’s ‘Kaardivägi’ programme and you’ll support the Reservists Fund with every card payment, contributing to Estonia’s defence.

  • You can add your existing Coop Pank card to the programme.
  • You donate 1 cent every time you make a card payment, to which we then add 1 cent of our own.
  • You can withdraw from the programme at any time.
  • If you are not yet a Coop Pank customer, become our customer and get a bank card.

Your 1 cent could be worth 1.36 million!

Further information

If you make, say, 30 card payments a month (one a day) and give 1 cent every time, your contribution to national defence is 30 cents a month or €3.60 a year. From little things, big things grow – so every cent counts! Coop Pank then doubles your contribution by adding €3.60 of its own.

The Estonian Ministry of Defence and the National Defence Promotion Foundation have created the standalone Reservists Fund, giving companies and individuals the chance to make donations in support of the country’s defence. The 1 cent from each card payment donated by clients participating in Coop Pank’s ‘Kaardivägi’ programme is transferred to the account of Riigikaitse Edendamise SA (EE704204278634045502) once a day on the day following a transaction.

These donations are exempt from income tax, meaning that any money you donate to the Reservists Fund will be automatically displayed on your tax return and any income tax paid on them will be reimbursed to you.

The money is solely used by the Reservists Fund to train and foster the combat abilities of reservists. This includes:

  • the acquisition of supplies for reservists;
  • support for activities that promote cohesion and willingness to defend their country among the reservists;
  • support for the training of reservists and for participation in training, including professional and reserve officer courses;
  • recognition of the Reservist of the Year for setting an outstanding example in the fulfilment of their duties and for staying true to and promoting the core values of the Defence Forces: loyalty, discipline, honesty, responsibility, fairness, dignity and learning;
  • recognition of the Reservist Unit of the Year for the active participation of the majority of its numbers in training, for fulfilling all of the objectives set for it and for setting an example to other Reservist units.