This loan is a useful solution if you want to take your company to the next level and have some big ideas – whether that's contributing to your share capital, quiring some new equipment, boosting your stock or running a bigger marketing campaign.
The loan is designed for private clients who are looking for additional financing to start or expand their business.
The loan calculator helps you find the suitable loan amount and monthly payment. Repayments are fixed for the entire loan period and you don't have to worry about the changing Euribor. No collateral required
You can find your existing small loan in the self-service.
You can submit a loan application quickly and easily online or at the branches of Coop Pank nationwide.
If the offer is suitable, sign the contract using your ID card, Smart ID or Mobile ID.
Depending on your bank, the money will appear in your account on the same working day or the working day after we've transferred it.
What we want is to make daily banking as easy and convenient for you as possible so that you always have a good overview of your finances.